Data Protection Privacy Statement
We have written this data privacy notice to inform you about why we collect and use your personal data, in what circumstances we may share your personal data with another organisation, and your individual rights with regard your personal data.
We are committed to being fully open and honest to you about why we collect and use your personal data, to help you understand and exercise your rights over your personal data. We do not share personal data with another organisation for their own marketing purposes and we do not sell personal data.
This privacy notice is categorised into the following sections:
If you have any questions about this privacy statement or information we hold about you, please contact our Data Protection Lead: Email: [email protected]
Your rights over your personal data
When do we collect your personal data:
Why do we collect and use your personal data:
In what situations do we collect personal data from other sources:
In what situations do we share personal data with other organisations:
We only share personal data with another organisation if we have a legal basis to do so. In all the above situations, we will ensure that we have a written contract (or valid legal instruction) in place with the organisation that includes data protection clauses to ensure that they do not use personal data for their own marketing purposes, and have security requirements in place to protect your personal data.
What is our legal basis for collecting and using personal data
Where we have your consent. For example, we will only send you emails, make telephone calls or send you SMS text messages with your consent. You can withdraw this consent at any time (See ‘Your rights over your personal data’ section).
Where the processing is necessary to enter into or fulfil the terms and conditions of a contract. For example, processing your donation made to us. Where the processing is required under the law. For example, disclosing your personal data to a law enforcement agency if we receive a valid legal instruction.
Where the processing is in our legitimate interests. For example, we will send you communications and marketing materials via email or social media unless you tell us to stop. (See ‘Your rights over your personal data’ section). We will only rely on this legal basis if your interests and fundamental rights do not override our interest.
Privacy statement for our employees and volunteers
This section includes our privacy statement to staff, volunteers, interns, apprentices and contractors (including prospective employees).
When do we collect your personal data
Why do we collect and use your personal data
Other employees might access your personal data where this is required for work purposes. Where this is the case, the organisation relies on all employees to access and use personal data in accordance with their obligations under our data protection policy.
In what situations do we share personal data with other organisations
We only share personal data with another organisation if we have a legal basis to do so.
In all the above situations, we will ensure that we have a written contract (or valid legal instruction) in place with the organisation that includes data protection clauses to ensure that they do not use personal data for their own marketing purposes, and have security requirements in place to protect your personal data.
What is our legal basis for collecting and using personal data
Where the processing is necessary to enter into or fulfil the terms and conditions of a contract. For example, to enable payment of your salary, tax, pension contributions and expenses.
Where the processing is required under the law. For example, collecting your medical information to protect your health & safety.
Where the processing is in our legitimate interests. For example, using your leave details to plan staffing levels and necessary cover. We will only rely on this legal basis if your interests and fundamental rights do not override our interest. Where the processing is in your vital life interest. For example, sharing your personal data with emergency services in the event of a medical emergency.
Use of Cookies
We may use cookies, in the future. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your device when you visit certain websites. Internet browsers normally accept cookies by default. We may use cookies to provide you with a smooth and efficient experience while using our services. For example, we may use cookies to enable the donation process, to statistically analyse site usage, and to customise our site’s content, layout, and services.
By using our website, you consent to our potential use of cookies. If you do not accept our use of cookies, please set your internet browser to reject cookies (this may impair your ability to use our website so that some features may not work) or opt-out using the National Advertising Initiative.
There are several types of cookie that we may use on our website:
How long we keep personal data
We keep personal data in line with our data retention policy. The length of time we keep each category of personal data will depend on the reason it was collected and our statutory and contractual requirements, for example, we are required to keep a record of donations subject to gift aid for at least seven years to comply with HMRC rules. For more information about our data retention policy including how long we keep your personal data, please contact the Data Protection Lead.
Changes to our privacy statement
We keep our privacy statement under regular review and we will place any updates on this web page. If material changes are made we will place a prominent notice on our website.
This privacy statement was last updated on March 2024.
How to make a complaint
If you are unhappy about how we have processed your personal data or have a privacy concern, we want to know about it. To make a complaint or raise a concern please contact our Data Protection Officer.
If you are unhappy with how we deal with your complaint or concern you should contact the UK data protection authority, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). The ICO can be contacted at: You also have the right to make your compliant to the ICO direct. However, they may advise you to contact us to see if the matter can be resolved in the first instance.
Light Upon Light is an Islamic-based conference that has inspired hundreds of thousands with interactive and inspirational events throughout the I-JK and globally- Our events are designed to be interactive and engaging, providing attendees with an to learn, grow, and be inspired in their journey of faith. We believe in and are very passionate about providing a platform for learning through diverse voices and perspectives, and we are proud to have had some of the most renowned scholars, artists, and sports personalities in the Muslim community speak at our events.
Copyright © 2024 Create by Akmanda Media
Light Upon Light is an Islamic-based conference that has inspired hundreds of thousands with interactive and inspirational events throughout the UK and globally- Our events are designed to be interactive and engaging, providing attendees with an aspiration to learn, grow, and be inspired in their journey of faith.
Copyright © 2024 Create by Akmanda Media